How To Get Medical Transportation Contracts

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If you’re an entrepreneur planning to start a medical transportation company, you’ll need to know how to get medical transportation contracts. Here are some tips on how to obtain them.


How to Get Medical Transportation Contracts

There are several ways to obtain medical transportation contracts. Let’s take a look at some.


Satisfy Federal, State, and Local Laws

The first step is ensuring your company satisfies all the regulations of federal, state, and local transportation providers. This includes having the proper licenses, permits, and insurance. You’ll also need to ensure your vehicles are up to code and that your drivers have the necessary training. For example, in some states, you may need to have your drivers undergo a criminal background check.

In addition, you’ll need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires that your vehicles be accessible to people with disabilities.


Get Listed in Directories and Databases

The next step is to get listed in directories and databases of medical transportation providers. These can be found online or through government agencies. This will help potential customers find your company when searching for medical transportation services.

For example, you can become a Medicare and Medicaid provider. You can also get listed in the National Transit Database (NTD).

Another way to get listed is through the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule program. This program provides a list of companies that sell products and services to the government.


Join Professional Organizations

Another way to get medical transportation contracts is to join professional organizations, such as the National Medical Transport Association or the Transportation Provider Association of America. These organizations can provide access to industry news, resources, and networking opportunities.


Bid on Contracts

Finally, you can bid on contracts that government agencies and private companies put out. To do this, you’ll need to submit a proposal that outlines your company’s qualifications and how you would provide the services. If you’re selected, you’ll be awarded the contract.

Ensure your company is registered and in good standing with the government. Agencies will check your licenses, credentials, and insurance before awarding your company contracts. Therefore, it’s essential to keep these things up to date. You should also have your business registered with the proper agencies to do business with them.

Every medical transportation company requires:

  • A business license
  • An occupational license
  • An insurance policy

If you plan on transporting Medicaid or Medicare patients, you must enroll your company in the proper program.

To do this, you will need:

  • A National Provider Identification number
  • A Medicaid Provider number

If your company will be transporting patients with private insurance, you will need to become a contracted provider with the insurance companies.

To do this, you will need:

  • To have your business credentialed with the insurance company
  • To submit a W-9 Form

It’s also a good idea to have a website and social media presence for your company. This will help you reach more potential customers and make it easier for them to find information about your company.



Following these tips will help you get medical transportation contracts for your business. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that the competition for these contracts can be fierce. Therefore, you’ll need to ensure your company is well-qualified and that your proposal is professional and competitive.